Sunday, February 07, 2010

I just typed this out without realising how long it is and its starting to sound like some kind of GP essay.

While I was asking around for coursework ideas, a friend asked me why I wanted it to be the perfect idea, and he asked, "is it because you want the recognition?" When I first heard that, I immediately said "no, I don't care if I don't get the recognition". I don't like it when people say that because it makes me sound superficial.

I also said "no" immediately because he read me like an open book and I don't exactly like people to read it (yet I do it to myself and others all the time). My father understands me perfectly too, but I'm always trying to reject what he says about me. I shouldn't.

Anyway, I realised its not superficiality. (at least not to me) Yes, I admit I want the recognition, but its ultimately because I want to be able to gain acceptance of myself. Its only when I gain acceptance from others that I'll be able to respect myself. I used to not like it when people only care about others respecting them (cause I think its pointless like most of you think so too), but I do understand them better now.

The world is actually not as SUPERFICIAL as you think it is when you get to understand the emotional needs of everyone.

Why do some people hate "pretentious" people while others don't?

Why are we so afraid of being called "fake", "superficial", "materialistic", "pretentious"? Do we not have enough respect for ourselves to not bother about these social terms? Maybe we don't.

Should the word "materialism" even exist? Should it even be seen as something SINFUL and WRONG, when it only stems from basic, simple human desires? (or do you think otherwise?)

They tell us its wrong to ask for more, they say its greed. Isn't striving for perfection coming from the same idea? Yet they say striving for perfection is good? Isn't it contradicting?

Everything is still about perception.

Some say expanding a business is being greedy, and when they fail you step all over them and say "SEE YOU'RE JUST BEING GREEDY".

but when they succeed you'll go "WE SHOULD ALL LEARN FROM YOU AND TAKE RISKS".

Nothing changes, only your view does. The way I see the world must be different from yours, I'm not going to force anybody to fit into mine.

So fine, they say I'm weird. So be it.

Sigh, psychology and human behaviour is so interesting.

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